In this talk, I will examine certain novel grammatical patterns found in Heritage Greek and address the following questions: What do these innovations teach us about the non-heritage variety and how do they inform theories of language change?
Watch the lecture here (skip the first 10 minutes, which is setting up and waiting for participants to come in):
Artemis Alexiadou is Professor of English Linguistics at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Vice Director of Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS) in Berlin. Her research is concerned with the syntax and morphology of noun phrases and argument alternations. She is a Gottfried-Wilhelm Leibniz Prizewinner 2014, awarded by the German Research Foundation, and Co-PI of the ERC Synergy Grant Realizing Leibniz’s Dream: Child Languages as a Mirror of the Mind (together with Uli Sauerland and Maria Teresa Guasti).